Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Let there be love

There are days that I wish I could see this world through the eyes of others so that I could possibly understand why they are the way that they are. I wish that just for an instant I could know what is going on in their heads.
Today was one of those days.
I grew up in a small town. You know, the kind where everyone knows everyone. You know each person's first, middle and last name. You don't give directions by street names but by land marks, such as "Go to the CO-OP and turn left" or "Turn right at the stop sign on Main Street." It's a town where when one person passes away, it's like losing a family member. It's that little town that completely shuts down when the basketball team makes it to the state playoffs. That's my town.
And in my town, there is a church. It's the church that raised me. The members helped me to grow in my faith and to know why I believe what I believe. They have supported me for 26 years. I love each person like a mother/father/sister/brother.
But today caused me to feel like I don't know those people at all.
There is a youth program at that little church on Wednesday nights. In the past months the numbers have tripled. It started out with 20 kids and there are now around 60 active children who show up. It's a beautiful thing. During the time that the kids are there they sing and play and learn about Christ and love. Several adults who haven't gone to church in a while have even started volunteering because they see what an amazing program it is.
Many of the children who attend have never stepped into a church building. They haven't been raised to respect that buildings walls or contents. They don't know what "praise", "worship", or "prayer" is. But they are learning. They are being taught. It's a good thing. They feel safe and loved.
But, some people in our congregation have voiced that they have a problem with this program. They think the kids are too rowdy. They think that some kids are too "angry" or "hyper" or "wild" to be there. They want to shut the program down.
This was one of the most dissapointing times I have experienced. These people, who I thought I knew; who I thought knew what love was and what it meant to be love are now saying that love is only for those who sit still and are happy? What?!
They have lost all grips with the concept of Christianity. The church is not the building. The church is the people. WE are the church. WE are what the world looks at. WE are what the world judges. OUR attitudes will make us or break us.
The kids will look at us and will learn from us.
We are all that some of these kids have. They go home to families who don't care if they come home.
They come to that building and for an hour and half of their week, they are safe and happy. How dare someone try to take that away from them because they feel uncomfortable.
I am absolutely appalled at those that are causing such a fuss.
But then I take a look at my life and my own attitude and have to admit, I am just as appalled with it.
I am not always explemplifying the love of Christ. Most of the time my attitude is terrible. I whine and complain and am hateful.
We Christians, at many times, are our own worst enemies. We are the ones who turn others away from us.
We forget that our job is not to judge but to love. We can change so much more if we are kind and patient and gentle.
hmmm...I do believe a wise man spoke of that once upon a time a long time ago.
Thousands of years ago, love was brought into this world in the form of a child. That love grew and that love was sacrificed. And that love is still here. And, it is offered to not a few, but all. Love isn't particular of who it chooses. Why should we be?
Why should we stop it?
Let there be LOVE.


elizabeth (is your friend) said...

hey carrie. im happy that youre a blogger.

this subject matter of this entry is unfortunate. we all have our ways of demonstrating ungrace to the world. tragic. theres so much loved to be shared.

Jerald said...

Carrie, thanks for loving the unlovables! Far too often we deem people as unlovable, but God who is Love chooses to love those that are good--what's good anyway, those that are bad and those that are just plain ugly. Its amazing how He can take the murderers of this world--Moses, David, Paul and others--and turn them into men of integrity and love. Keep on seeing it His way because then you may just be the person that He uses to change the world for some unlovable.